Into the Sunken City follows the journey of Jin Haldar, a young woman living in the sinking city of Coconino, Arizona, where life is hard and money is scarce. After her father dies in a diving accident, Jin has struggled to support herself and her younger sister, Thara. Things take an unexpected turn when Bhili, a mysterious drifter, offers them the chance of a lifetime: a massive stash of gold hidden in the sunken ruins of Las Vegas.
Although Jin swore off diving after her father's death, she is forced to return to the depths when Thara decides to pursue the dangerous treasure hunt. With the help of a ragtag crew—including Jin's ex-boyfriend—Jin embarks on a high-stakes heist. The journey becomes a perilous adventure filled with crumbling ruins, deadly sea beasts, merciless corsairs, and the enigmatic Joao Silva. To save her sister and survive the treacherous mission, Jin must confront her past and dive once more into the depths she swore to avoid.
Although Jin swore off diving after her father's death, she is forced to return to the depths when Thara decides to pursue the dangerous treasure hunt. With the help of a ragtag crew—including Jin's ex-boyfriend—Jin embarks on a high-stakes heist. The journey becomes a perilous adventure filled with crumbling ruins, deadly sea beasts, merciless corsairs, and the enigmatic Joao Silva. To save her sister and survive the treacherous mission, Jin must confront her past and dive once more into the depths she swore to avoid.
ISBN: 9780063310513
Grade Level: 8+
Age Range: 13+
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 368
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Harper Collins
Author: Dinesh Thiru
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: 8+
Age Range: 13+
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 368
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Harper Collins
Author: Dinesh Thiru
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W