Book Pockets
Vernon offers many styles of Book Pockets. Choose the one that suits your library best.
Clear Pockets: See the entire card without having to remove it from the pocket.
Hi-Back Pockets: Reinforced with double thickness at the top and corners to resist strain. Longer wear and fewer replacements.
Low-Back Pockets: Features a fold-over edge that keeps book cards in place.
Extra Low-Back Pockets: Reinforced with double thickness at the top and corners to resist strain. Longer wear and fewer replacements.
Clear Pockets: See the entire card without having to remove it from the pocket.
Hi-Back Pockets: Reinforced with double thickness at the top and corners to resist strain. Longer wear and fewer replacements.
Low-Back Pockets: Features a fold-over edge that keeps book cards in place.
Extra Low-Back Pockets: Reinforced with double thickness at the top and corners to resist strain. Longer wear and fewer replacements.