Friends Like These by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez is a gripping, suspenseful novel set in a small California beach town. The story follows Jake and his girlfriend, Jessica, as they attend Tegan's end-of-summer party, despite Jessica's discomfort with both the party and Tegan's infatuation with Jake. However, things take a dark turn when an embarrassing incident occurs at the party, leaving Jessica feeling humiliated and unsure of how to move forward. As the situation escalates, a girl goes missing, and everyone at the party becomes a suspect, with Jake harboring secrets that only add to the tension. When a body is discovered at the beach, the group's friendships begin to unravel, and lies and deceit start to emerge. With their lives at risk, Jessica and Jake must navigate a dangerous web of betrayal, where every decision could have devastating consequences.
ISBN: 9780593309674
Grade Level: 7-Up
Age Range: 12-Up
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 384
Publish Year: 2022
Publisher/Imprint: Pengiun Random House
Author: Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
Book Dimensions: 8-1/2 in.H x 6 in.W
Grade Level: 7-Up
Age Range: 12-Up
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 384
Publish Year: 2022
Publisher/Imprint: Pengiun Random House
Author: Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
Book Dimensions: 8-1/2 in.H x 6 in.W