The Bad Guys 8 Books Set 2
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The Bad Guys 8 Books Set 2

An entertaining and enjoyable read for young audiences!

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The Bad Guys series by Aaron Blabey is a popular children's book series that combines humor, adventure, and a unique take on the concept of heroes and villains. The series features a group of animal characters, traditionally seen as "bad guys," who decide to turn over a new leaf and become heroes, even though they aren't very good at it. The Bad Guys series is beloved for its humorous take on the classic good-versus-evil narrative, with a cast of unlikely heroes who bumble their way through their missions with a mix of determination and ineptitude. The books are accessible and engaging, making them a hit with young readers who enjoy action, humor, and stories about unlikely friendships and second chances.

Perma-Bound® Library Bound, Grades: 2-5.

Set includes:
  • The Bad Guys in Cut to the Chase! Vol. 13
  • The Bad Guys in They're Bee-Hind You! Vol. 14
  • The Bad Guys in Open Wide and Say Arrrgh! Vol. 15
  • The Bad Guys in the Others?! Vol. 16
  • The Bad Guys in Let the Games Begin! Vol. 17
  • The Bad Guys in Look Who's Talking Vol 18
  • The Bad Guys in the Serpent and the Beast Vol 19
  • The Bad Guys in One Last Thing Vol 20
Interest Level:  2-5
Format:  Perma-Bound Library Bound
Page Count:  137-187
Publisher/Imprint:  Scholastic Book Service
Author:  Aaron Blabey
Shipping Method:  Ground

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