The "Mythical Creatures" 8-book set by Martha London explores legendary beings from various cultures around the world. From giants to genies, each book delves into a different mythical creature, providing insights into its appearance, origins, and the way stories about these creatures have evolved over time. The series highlights the cultural significance of these creatures, showcasing how they have shaped folklore and traditions across different societies. Additionally, the books include QR codes that link to resources for deeper exploration, allowing readers to further enhance their learning experience. This collection is ideal for young readers interested in mythology, folklore, and cultural history.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- Dragons
- Fairies
- Genes
- Giants
- Gnomes
- Mermaids
- Trolls
- Unicorns
Grade Level: 2-5
Reading Level: Grade 3
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 9 in.H x 6-1/4 in.W
Reading Level: Grade 3
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 9 in.H x 6-1/4 in.W