Ghosted by Michael Fry is a humorous and heartwarming middle-grade novel about Larry, a 12-year-old kid who often feels invisible at school. Larry's life takes a strange turn when his best friend, Grimm, dies while saving a cat during a lightning storm. Instead of fading away, Grimm returns as a ghost and starts pulling pranks on Larry.
As the two friends try to navigate this new, supernatural dynamic, they discover that Grimm has unfinished business that's keeping him tethered to the living world. Together, they create a "Totally To-Do bucket list" of things they need to accomplish, hoping that completing it will help Grimm move on.
Throughout the book, Larry and Grimm's friendship is tested as they go on wild adventures and face the challenges of seventh grade. While pranking and pulling off shenanigans might be easier with a ghostly friend, Larry realizes that saying goodbye to Grimm is the hardest part of all. Ghosted is a story of friendship, growing up, and learning to let go, filled with humor and heart.
As the two friends try to navigate this new, supernatural dynamic, they discover that Grimm has unfinished business that's keeping him tethered to the living world. Together, they create a "Totally To-Do bucket list" of things they need to accomplish, hoping that completing it will help Grimm move on.
Throughout the book, Larry and Grimm's friendship is tested as they go on wild adventures and face the challenges of seventh grade. While pranking and pulling off shenanigans might be easier with a ghostly friend, Larry realizes that saying goodbye to Grimm is the hardest part of all. Ghosted is a story of friendship, growing up, and learning to let go, filled with humor and heart.
ISBN: 9780358269618
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 272
Publish Year: 2021
Publisher/Imprint: Harper Collins
Author/ Illustrator: Michael Fry
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 272
Publish Year: 2021
Publisher/Imprint: Harper Collins
Author/ Illustrator: Michael Fry
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W