What Is? 8 Books - Set 2
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What Is? 8 Books - Set 2

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The "What Is…" book series is a popular educational series that introduces readers to various topics through engaging and accessible text. Each book typically covers a specific subject, such as history, science, or culture, and is designed for younger audiences. The books focus on key events or things that shaped our history as well as our futures. Perma-Bound® Library Bound.

Set includes:
What is LEGO?What is the Civil Rights?
What is Congress?What is Nintendo?
What is the Coronavirus Disease: COVID-19?What are the Paralympic Games?
What is Black Lives Matter?What are the Winter Olympics?
Grade Level:  4 -7
Format:  Perma-Bound®Library Bound
Page Count:  108
Publisher/Imprint:  Penguin
Author:  Various
Shipping Method:  Ground

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