The Good Dog 6 Book Set is a heartwarming children's book series by Cam Higgins, with illustrations by Ariel Landy. The series centers around the joyful adventures of Boomer, a playful and loyal dog, and his young owner, Kayla. Through relatable stories filled with humor, warmth, and touching moments, readers follow Boomer and Kayla as they navigate everyday challenges and experiences. The stories capture the bond between a child and her dog, offering themes of friendship, loyalty, and growing up in a way that resonates with young readers. The series' engaging writing and delightful illustrations make it a beloved choice for children, offering both entertainment and valuable life lessons along the way.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- Home Is Where the Heart Is: Book 1
- Raised in a Barn: Book 2
- Herd You Loud and Clear: Book 3
- Fireworks Night: Book 4
- The Swimming Hole: Book 5
- Life Is Good: Book 6
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 6-9
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Publisher/Imprint: Abdo Books
Book Dimensions: 7-1/2 in.H x 6 in.W
Age Range: 6-9
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Publisher/Imprint: Abdo Books
Book Dimensions: 7-1/2 in.H x 6 in.W