The World of Mythical Beings 6 Book Set is a captivating series designed to introduce readers to various mythical creatures and beings from different cultures around the world. Each book in the series focuses on a specific creature, delving into its origins, cultural significance, and how it has been portrayed in modern media. The series highlights well-known beings, such as dragons, unicorns, and wizards, while also exploring lesser-known creatures from global mythologies. Through engaging descriptions and illustrations, the books provide insight into the folklore and legends surrounding these beings, making them accessible to young readers and offering a deeper understanding of the cultural contexts from which they emerged. The series aims to both entertain and educate, helping readers connect ancient myths with contemporary storytelling.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- Dragons
- Elves
- Trolls
- Unicorns
- Werewolves
- Wizards
Grade Level: PreK-2
Age Range: 4-Up
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Publisher/Imprint: Abdo Books
Book Dimensions: 9-1/4 in.H x 11-1/4 in.W
Age Range: 4-Up
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Publisher/Imprint: Abdo Books
Book Dimensions: 9-1/4 in.H x 11-1/4 in.W