"Mysterious Monsters 6 Book Set" is an engaging children's series authored by David Michael Slater and illustrated by Mauro Sorghienti. The set takes young readers on an exciting exploration of mythical creatures and legendary beasts from folklore. Through vivid illustrations and compelling storytelling, the books delve into the mysterious world of creatures like the Loch Ness Monster, dragons, werewolves, and more. The series is designed to spark curiosity and imagination, inviting readers to ponder the existence of these enigmatic creatures while offering an educational and thrilling adventure into mythology and legend. Ideal for young readers with an interest in the unknown and fantastical, Mysterious Monsters encourages a sense of wonder and exploration.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- Bigfoot: Book 1
- Alien: Book 2
- Vampire: Book 3
- Ghost: Book 4
- Werewolf: Book 5
- The Collector: Book 6
Grade Level: 1-4
Age Range: 7-Up
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Publisher/Imprint: Abdo Books
Book Dimensions: 8-1/4 in.H x 5-1/4 in.W
Age Range: 7-Up
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Publisher/Imprint: Abdo Books
Book Dimensions: 8-1/4 in.H x 5-1/4 in.W