Bad Kitty Goes on Vacation: Graphic Novel
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Bad Kitty Goes on Vacation: Graphic Novel

Kitty's life is so hard!

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A trip to the Love Love Angel Kitty World theme park ("The Most Super Incredibly Happy Place on Earth!") turns out to be an excerise in lowered expectations…to say the least.

When Uncle Murray wins a pair of free passes, it seems at first like a dream come true --- at least for Kitty, whose collection of Love Love Kitty merchandise ranges from branded underwear to a pink chainsaw. But the whole trip turns into a series of crises beginning with the insurmountable challenge of getting a cat onto a plane, the hotel doesn't come with a litter box and the park doesn't allow cats. Even kindhearted Uncle Murray finds his patience, and sanity, tested!
ISBN:  9781250208088
Grade Level:  4-8
Age Range:  7-10
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  160
Publish Year:  2020
Publisher/Imprint:  Macmillan Publishers
Author:  Nick Bruel
Book Dimensions:  8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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