"Rain Before Rainbows" by Smriti Halls, illustrated by David Litchfield, is a beautifully crafted tale that explores themes of resilience, hope, and the journey toward brighter days. The story follows a girl and her fox companion as they leave behind a difficult past and navigate through stormy and uncertain times. Along their journey, they encounter challenges, but also find friends who offer guidance and support.
The book's vivid and richly detailed illustrations enhance its emotional impact, capturing both the hardships and the promise of better times ahead. As the dawn of a new day emerges, the story offers a reassuring message of renewal and optimism, making it a poignant read for children and adults alike. It serves as a comforting reminder that after hardship, light and hope can always be found.
The book's vivid and richly detailed illustrations enhance its emotional impact, capturing both the hardships and the promise of better times ahead. As the dawn of a new day emerges, the story offers a reassuring message of renewal and optimism, making it a poignant read for children and adults alike. It serves as a comforting reminder that after hardship, light and hope can always be found.
ISBN: 9781536212839
Grade Level: P-2
Age Range: 3-7
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publish Year: 2020
Publisher/Imprint: Penguin Random House
Author: Smriti Prasadam-Halls
Illustrator: David Litchfield
Book Dimensions: 11 in.H x 10 in.W
Grade Level: P-2
Age Range: 3-7
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publish Year: 2020
Publisher/Imprint: Penguin Random House
Author: Smriti Prasadam-Halls
Illustrator: David Litchfield
Book Dimensions: 11 in.H x 10 in.W