Processor™ Adjustable Book Jacket Covers
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Processor™ Adjustable Book Jacket Covers

UV-resistant film!

Retail Price: $33.52-$138.57
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  • Crystal clear, gloss covers reveal colorful graphics while protecting covers from oil, dirt and spills
  • UV-resistant film protects book jackets from fading
  • The unique polyester film allows books to easily slide on and off of shelves for easier browsing and re-shelving
  • Adjusts to fit any book jacket size
  • Durable polyester covers with white paper liner (no anchor tabs)
  • The Processor book covers feature a 2 in. narrower paper liner than our standard Open-Edge™ covers, adding support to book jackets without folding or creasing
  • Extra Long covers are 8 to 9 inches longer than standard length covers
  • Long covers are 2 inches longer than standard length covers
  • Acid-Free and 100% Archival Safe

Go to the Details tab to view product instructions
Style:  Sheets
Material Thickness:  1.5-mil or 2-mil polyester
Finish:  Gloss
Fits Book Height:  8 in.H, 9 in.H, 10 in.H, 12 in.H, 14 in.H, and 16 in.H
Quantity/Box:  50/Box

Instructions:  Processor™Adj. Book Jacket Covers
Shipping Method:  Ground

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