Economy Colored Shelf Marker Set - 24/Assortment
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Economy Colored Shelf Marker Set - 24/Assortment

Here's an economical way to organize your shelves!

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Estimated Ship date is approximately 1 week(s)


These colorful shelf markers are easy to slide onto shelves to identify sections, subject areas, or where books were removed. The 14 in. long flexible vinyl will last indefinitely. Because the strips extend beyond the shelves, they are easily visible.
Set contains 24 markers per package:
2 Blue2 Light Green2 Red
2 Dark Pink2 Grey2 Yellow
2 Orange2 White2 Black
2 Green2 Light Blue2 Pink
Style:  Rectangular
Construction:  Vinyl
Dimensions:  2 in.H x 14 in.L
Quantity/Pkg:  Set of assorted colors, 24/Pkg (2 per color)
Shipping Method:  Ground

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