Classical Literature 12 Books - Set 12
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Classical Literature 12 Books - Set 12

These works have stood the test of time!

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Classic literature often evokes strong emotional responses from readers, creating a lasting impact through its portrayal of characters and situations. These works often reflect important aspects of the culture and history from which they originate, providing insights into the human experience during different periods. Perma-Bound® Library Bound, Grades: 9-Up.

Set Includes:
20,000 Leagues Under the SeaA Clockwork Orange
Animal FarmGo Set a Watchman
Oliver TwistOne Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Pride and PrejudiceThe House of the Seven Gables
The Prince and the PauperThe Red Pony
The Red Badge of CourageThe Last of the Mohicans
Grade Level:  9-Up
Format:  Perma-Bound®Library Bound
Publisher/Imprint:  Various
Author:  Various
Shipping Method:  Ground

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