Answers to Dog by Pete Hautman is a heartfelt coming-of-age novel that explores the transformative power of friendship and the bond between a boy and a dog. Evan feels like an outsider at both school and home, going out of his way to avoid attention and keep to himself. However, everything changes when a border collie, a survivor with an uncanny instinct for the boy, starts following him. As they become companions, Evan and the dog embark on a journey together that challenges Evan's introverted existence. They form a strong friendship while standing up to an abusive dog breeder and Evan's school bully. This story, told through alternating perspectives, is filled with themes of self-discovery, courage, and the importance of connections, making it a rewarding read for middle-grade readers and animal lovers alike.
ISBN: 9781536234886
Grade Level: 4-7
Age Range: 9-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 240
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Penguin Random House
Author: Pete Hautman
Book Dimensions: 9-1/2 in.H x 5-3/4 in.W
Grade Level: 4-7
Age Range: 9-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 240
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Penguin Random House
Author: Pete Hautman
Book Dimensions: 9-1/2 in.H x 5-3/4 in.W