'The Boy Who Failed Dodgeball' by Jordan Sonnenblick follows the comedic and relatable trials of sixth-grader Jordan Sonnenblick. As he navigates the ups and downs of middle school, Jordan faces a series of hilarious and awkward situations. These include dealing with a rival named Jiminy (a.k.a. Jimmy), who constantly challenges him, a strict English teacher, and an obsession with Evel Knievel. Jordan also experiences his first crush on a girl from the band, struggles with anxiety and asthma, and gets into trouble with the assistant principal on his first day—due to an incident involving a tooth.
Through it all, Jordan's witty and humorous narrative reveals the frustrations and triumphs of growing up, making this a funny and heartwarming story for readers navigating their own middle school years.
Through it all, Jordan's witty and humorous narrative reveals the frustrations and triumphs of growing up, making this a funny and heartwarming story for readers navigating their own middle school years.
ISBN: 9781338749601
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 256
Publish Year: 2022
Publisher/Imprint: Scholastic
Author: Jordan Sonnenblick
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 256
Publish Year: 2022
Publisher/Imprint: Scholastic
Author: Jordan Sonnenblick
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W