"Brave Like That" by Lindsey Stoddard is a heartfelt middle-grade novel about self-discovery, courage, and forging one's own path. The story follows Cyrus Olson, who lives in the shadow of his father, a local hero revered for his achievements as a football star and a firefighter. Everyone in their small Minnesota town assumes Cyrus will naturally follow in his dad's footsteps, excelling in sports and embodying bravery. But Cyrus doesn't feel like he measures up, especially since he struggles with the pressure to conform to others' expectations.
When Cyrus takes in a stray dog, it becomes the catalyst for change in his life. Alongside the loyal pup, he forms meaningful friendships, embraces his unique interests—like drumming—and learns that courage comes in many forms. Through his journey, Cyrus discovers that being brave means staying true to yourself, even when it's difficult.
Lindsey Stoddard weaves a touching narrative filled with humor, heart, and valuable lessons, making it a perfect read for fans of Lisa Graff and Lynda Mullaly Hunt. Themes of identity, family, and self-acceptance shine through in this moving tale.
When Cyrus takes in a stray dog, it becomes the catalyst for change in his life. Alongside the loyal pup, he forms meaningful friendships, embraces his unique interests—like drumming—and learns that courage comes in many forms. Through his journey, Cyrus discovers that being brave means staying true to yourself, even when it's difficult.
Lindsey Stoddard weaves a touching narrative filled with humor, heart, and valuable lessons, making it a perfect read for fans of Lisa Graff and Lynda Mullaly Hunt. Themes of identity, family, and self-acceptance shine through in this moving tale.
ISBN: 9780062878113
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 272
Publish Year: 2020
Publisher/Imprint: HarperCollins Publishers
Author: Lindsey Stoddard
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 272
Publish Year: 2020
Publisher/Imprint: HarperCollins Publishers
Author: Lindsey Stoddard
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W