In this heartwarming picture book, a young boy spends cherished moments with his grandfather in a magical garden filled with history, nature, and a playful ghost. Together, they uncover remnants of the past and weave stories around the friendly spirit that leaves behind treasures like toppled flowerpots and traces of a forgotten stream. As the boy explores, his grandpa teaches him to marvel at the natural world, reflect on the garden's history, and create new memories from the fragments they find. A tender tale of curiosity, imagination, and the bond between generations.
ISBN: 9781592704057
Grade Level: 1-4
Age Range: 6-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 56
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Abrams Books
Author: Kyo Maclear
Book Dimensions: 11-1/2 in.H x 9 in.W
Grade Level: 1-4
Age Range: 6-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 56
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Abrams Books
Author: Kyo Maclear
Book Dimensions: 11-1/2 in.H x 9 in.W