"City Pals" is the eighth book in the Isla of Adventure series, following the adventures of Isla Verde, a young girl from an island, as she embarks on her first-ever big-city trip. Isla is excited to travel by airplane for the first time and explore La Ciudad, a bustling metropolis. Along with her friend Tora, Isla looks forward to a fun-filled summer. However, their adventure takes a turn when a mischievous pigeon causes trouble, threatening to spoil their plans. The book features easy-to-read language and illustrations on nearly every page, making it an ideal read for young, beginning readers.
ISBN: 9781665950404
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 5-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 128
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Simon & Schuster
Author: Dela Costa
Illustrator: Ana Sebastian
Book Dimensions: 8-1/2 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 5-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 128
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Simon & Schuster
Author: Dela Costa
Illustrator: Ana Sebastian
Book Dimensions: 8-1/2 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W