"Alycat and the Sunday Scaries" is a heartwarming children's book that follows Alycat, a young cat who dreads the start of the school week and the anxieties of the upcoming Monday. As Sunday approaches its end, Alycat becomes overwhelmed by the "Sunday Scaries," a feeling of fear and nervousness about the challenges the new week will bring. While at the playground, Alycat discovers that she isn't alone—her friends, including Kit and Spotty, are also facing their own fears. The group learns that by supporting each other, using their creativity, and confronting their anxieties together, they can turn a dreaded Sunday into a fun and exciting day.
The story highlights the importance of friendship, problem-solving, and facing fears head-on. It encourages children to recognize that everyone has worries, but with the help of their loved ones and a little imagination, they can overcome them and turn challenging moments into positive experiences.
The story highlights the importance of friendship, problem-solving, and facing fears head-on. It encourages children to recognize that everyone has worries, but with the help of their loved ones and a little imagination, they can overcome them and turn challenging moments into positive experiences.
ISBN: 9781455627790
Grade Level: 1-3
Age Range: 6-8
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Arcadia Publishing
Author: Alysson Foti Bourque
Book Dimensions: 10 in.H x 8 in.W
Grade Level: 1-3
Age Range: 6-8
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publish Year: 2024
Publisher/Imprint: Arcadia Publishing
Author: Alysson Foti Bourque
Book Dimensions: 10 in.H x 8 in.W