Merry and Hark: A Christmas Story is a heartwarming and whimsical tale that captures the magic of Christmas and the bond between humans and nature. The story follows Merry, a small owl with big dreams of having a grand adventure, much like the legendary Hero Owls from her favorite stories. Despite her small size, Merry's wish is granted when she unexpectedly wakes up in a bustling city, far from her cozy home in the woods. Now, she must navigate this noisy and unfamiliar place while trying to find her way back home.
As Merry embarks on her journey, she discovers the power of connection and the joy of discovery, not just in nature, but in unexpected places. Filled with enchanting moments, the story is perfect for readers of all ages, especially city kids and nature lovers, offering a cozy read that is perfect for the Christmas season but heartwarming year-round. Through Merry's adventure, the book celebrates courage, the wonder of Christmas, and the importance of finding home wherever you are.
As Merry embarks on her journey, she discovers the power of connection and the joy of discovery, not just in nature, but in unexpected places. Filled with enchanting moments, the story is perfect for readers of all ages, especially city kids and nature lovers, offering a cozy read that is perfect for the Christmas season but heartwarming year-round. Through Merry's adventure, the book celebrates courage, the wonder of Christmas, and the importance of finding home wherever you are.
ISBN: 9781643752389
Grade Level: 1-4
Age Range: 6-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Hachette Book Group
Author: April Genevieve Tucholke
Book Dimensions: 10-1/2 in.H x 10 in.W
Grade Level: 1-4
Age Range: 6-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Hachette Book Group
Author: April Genevieve Tucholke
Book Dimensions: 10-1/2 in.H x 10 in.W