The Critter Café is the fifth book in the Isla of Adventure series. In this installment, Isla is excited to help her grandparents, who are defending their title as pastry champions in the annual Sol Bake-Off. However, when Isla sets out to gather fresh ingredients for their recipe, she discovers that something unusual is happening on the island. The usual bounty of berries and coconuts is missing, and the animals are unusually quiet.
Isla soon uncovers a secret festival—the Critter Café —where the creatures of Sol gather for a special event of their own. As Isla navigates this unexpected twist, she must balance helping her grandparents with exploring the mysterious happenings around her.
With engaging illustrations and simple, accessible language, The Critter Café is designed for young readers, offering both an adventure-filled story and a glimpse into Isla's charming world.
Isla soon uncovers a secret festival—the Critter Café —where the creatures of Sol gather for a special event of their own. As Isla navigates this unexpected twist, she must balance helping her grandparents with exploring the mysterious happenings around her.
With engaging illustrations and simple, accessible language, The Critter Café is designed for young readers, offering both an adventure-filled story and a glimpse into Isla's charming world.
ISBN: 9781665939706
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 5-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 128
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Simon & Schuster
Author: Dela Costa
Illustrator: Ana Sebastian
Book Dimensions: 7 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 5-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 128
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Simon & Schuster
Author: Dela Costa
Illustrator: Ana Sebastian
Book Dimensions: 7 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W