In The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall, young Arthur Conan Doyle is thrilled to join Baskerville Hall, a mysterious academy for extraordinarily gifted children, hoping to improve his family's prospects. There, he befriends the daring Irene Eagle and the brilliant Jimmie Moriarty, exploring a school filled with leaning towers, roaming wolves, and strange phenomena. However, Arthur also faces dangerous enemies' intent on his downfall.
When invited to join a powerful secret society called the Clover, Arthur and his friends must navigate three challenging tests. Along the way, they unravel a thrilling mystery that plunges them into grand adventures and perilous dangers, setting the stage for an unforgettable journey of friendship, intellect, and courage.
When invited to join a powerful secret society called the Clover, Arthur and his friends must navigate three challenging tests. Along the way, they unravel a thrilling mystery that plunges them into grand adventures and perilous dangers, setting the stage for an unforgettable journey of friendship, intellect, and courage.
ISBN: 9780063275577
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 336
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: HarperCollins Publishing
Author: Ali Standish
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 336
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: HarperCollins Publishing
Author: Ali Standish
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W