The Mindy Kim 6 Book Set is a heartwarming children's book series by author Lyla Lee, with illustrations by Dung Ho. The series revolves around Mindy Kim, a young girl navigating the challenges and joys of growing up while embracing her multicultural identity. Through engaging storytelling, Mindy's adventures touch on themes of friendship, self-acceptance, and family, making her relatable to young readers. With vibrant illustrations and moments of humor, the books offer both entertainment and life lessons, allowing children to see themselves reflected in Mindy's experiences. This series is perfect for kids looking for stories about resilience, friendship, and personal growth.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- Mindy Kim and the Yummy Seaweed Business: #1
- Mindy Kim and the Lunar New Year Parade: #2
- Mindy Kim and the Birthday Puppy: #3
- Mindy Kim, Class President: #4
- Mindy Kim and the Trip to Korea: #5
- Mindy Kim and the Big Pizza Challenge: #6
Grade Level: 1-4
Reading Level: Grade 1
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 8-1/2 in.H x 6 in.W
Page Count: 88
Reading Level: Grade 1
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 8-1/2 in.H x 6 in.W
Page Count: 88