The Caveman Dave 6 Book Set by Brian Daly is a delightful children's series that brings young readers into the prehistoric world through the eyes of Dave, a curious and adventurous caveman. The series follows Dave's exciting escapades, where he makes thrilling discoveries and faces humorous challenges, all set in a vibrant, prehistoric landscape. The engaging storytelling by Daly is complemented by the dynamic and colorful illustrations of Alex Lopez, which enhance the whimsical and adventurous tone of the series. Each book not only entertains but also imparts valuable life lessons, making it both fun and educational. This series is perfect for young readers, fostering creativity, imagination, and a sense of wonder as they join Caveman Dave on his prehistoric journeys.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- The Road to Greatness: #1
- Best Foot Forward: #2
- I'm a Public Menace: #3
- The Unthinkable: #4
- My Caveman Brain: #5
- This Caveman Adventure: #6
Grade Level: 2-5
Reading Level: Grade 3
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-3/4 in.W
Page Count: 112
Reading Level: Grade 3
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-3/4 in.W
Page Count: 112