"Starry, Starry Ghost" is the fourth book in the Isla of Adventure series, following Isla as she embarks on her first-ever sleepover at her friend Tora's house. Tora has planned the perfect evening with snacks, movies, and fun activities, including telling scary stories. However, things take an unexpected turn when the girls hear a strange fluttering sound coming from the attic, leading them to wonder if there's a ghost in the house.
This chapter book, designed for young readers, features simple language and illustrations on nearly every page to support comprehension. It blends friendship, excitement, and a touch of mystery, making it an engaging read for children who are just starting to read on their own.
This chapter book, designed for young readers, features simple language and illustrations on nearly every page to support comprehension. It blends friendship, excitement, and a touch of mystery, making it an engaging read for children who are just starting to read on their own.
ISBN: 9781665931755
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 5-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 128
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Simon & Schuster
Author: Dela Costa
Illustrator: Ana Sebastian
Book Dimensions: 7 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: K-4
Age Range: 5-9
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 128
Publish Year: 2023
Publisher/Imprint: Simon & Schuster
Author: Dela Costa
Illustrator: Ana Sebastian
Book Dimensions: 7 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W