Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-Out
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Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-Out

Jim Panzee believes Valentine's Day is Gross!

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Love can make us silly. Love can also make us grumpy. Love can make us a lot of things, and now with the help of Jim Panzee, love can make storytime that much "Grumpy Monkey-er." Jim thinks Valentines Day is Gross! But Jim soon realizes that there are different types of valentines and many kinds of love!
ISBN:  9780593486924
Grade Level:  P-2
Age Range:  3-7
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  32
Publish Year:  2022
Publisher/Imprint:  Penguin Random House
Author:  Suzanne Lang
Illustrator:  Max Lang
Book Dimensions:  10 in.H x 10 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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