Creepy Crayon!
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Creepy Crayon!

The Twilight Zone comes to school!

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Jasper is a young rabbit that has a peculiar encounter with a sinister crayon!

Jasper Rabbit is struggling in school. His spelling tests are aweful and his math quizzes are worse. One day, he finds a crayon lying in the gutter. Purple. Pointy. Perfect. Believe it or not, it looked happy to see him, and it wants to help him in school.

Jasper is so excited at first because everything is going great. His spelling has improved. His math is looking good. What is even better, he doesn't have to do ANY of the work! Suddenly the crayon starts acting strange. It wants to do everything and Jasper must find a way to get rid of it before it takes over his life. There's just one problem? The creepy crayon doesn't want leave.
ISBN:  9781534465886
Grade Level:  P-3
Age Range:  4-8
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  48
Publish Year:  2022
Publisher/Imprint:  Simon & Schuster
Author:  Aaron Reynolds
Book Dimensions:  12 in.H x 9 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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