"Garlic and the Witch" by Bree Paulsen is a heartwarming and magical story about Garlic, a brave vegetable girl who embarks on an adventure filled with friendship, self-discovery, and transformation. In this standalone sequel to Garlic and the Vampire, Garlic is enjoying life with her friends—Witch Agnes, Carrot, and the Count, the surprisingly friendly vampire neighbor. However, trouble arises when Witch Agnes needs a rare ingredient from the distant Magic Market to create a vegetarian blood substitute for the Count.
Garlic, with her broomstick in hand, sets off on a journey to find the ingredient. But as she ventures further from home, Garlic begins to undergo a startling change—she's slowly turning human, one finger at a time. While Witch Agnes reassures her that this transformation is part of Garlic's garden magic, Garlic feels uncertain about what it means for her identity and fears what it might mean for her future.
This charming story explores themes of change, identity, and the challenges of growing up, while also celebrating the power of friendship and the courage to embrace new experiences. It's a perfect read for fans of Tidesong and Witch Boy, offering a delightful mix of humor, magic, and emotional depth.
Garlic, with her broomstick in hand, sets off on a journey to find the ingredient. But as she ventures further from home, Garlic begins to undergo a startling change—she's slowly turning human, one finger at a time. While Witch Agnes reassures her that this transformation is part of Garlic's garden magic, Garlic feels uncertain about what it means for her identity and fears what it might mean for her future.
This charming story explores themes of change, identity, and the challenges of growing up, while also celebrating the power of friendship and the courage to embrace new experiences. It's a perfect read for fans of Tidesong and Witch Boy, offering a delightful mix of humor, magic, and emotional depth.
ISBN: 9780062995124
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 160
Publish Year: 2022
Publisher/Imprint: Harper Collins
Author: Bree Paulsen
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Grade Level: 3-7
Age Range: 8-12
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 160
Publish Year: 2022
Publisher/Imprint: Harper Collins
Author: Bree Paulsen
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W