Bad Kitty Meets the Baby: Graphic Novel
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Bad Kitty Meets the Baby: Graphic Novel

What is IT?

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Kitty attempts to answer one critical question: "What the heck is that thing?"

In the beginning it was just Kitty. She was alone, and she liked it that way. Dark times arrived with the stinky, leaking, omnipresent Puppy; Kitty reconciled herself to that travesty. But after Kitty and Puppy spend a brief and ill-advised time in the guardianship of Uncle Murray, IT comes home with the humans. It plays, it stinks, it drools; Kitty is sure it's a dog. When all her friends come over for a special round of Pussycat Olympics, they conclude IT is a New Kitty. (A Bad Kitty Screaming Temper Tantrum ensues). Will Bad Kitty have a change of heart once she learns the origins of the family's new arrival?
ISBN:  9781250782366
Grade Level:  4-8
Age Range:  7-10
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  144
Publish Year:  2022
Publisher/Imprint:  Macmillan Publishers
Author:  Nick Bruel
Book Dimensions:  8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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