Grumpy Monkey Don't Be Scared
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Grumpy Monkey Don't Be Scared

Don't be scared Jim Panzee!

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It's Halloween and Jim Panzee and his jungle friends are going out in the dark to collect treats. The jungle at night is totally different! There are awful smells, scary noises, and glowing eyes that flash overhead! Jim's friends tell him not to be scarred! Will Jim abandon looking for treats?
ISBN:  9780593486955
Grade Level:  P-3
Age Range:  4-8
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  32
Publish Year:  2023
Publisher/Imprint:  Penguin Random House
Author:  Suzanne Lang
Illustrator:  Max Lang
Book Dimensions:  9 in.H x 9 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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