Villains: Never Never, Book 9
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Villains: Never Never, Book 9

How did they become so evil?

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James went to Neverland as a kid but was brought back home before he could become a Lost Boy. Ever since that time, all he's wanted is to go back. As he grows up, he hates his life and everything to do with growing up. He eventually secures a position on Blackbeards' ship and learns to be a cutthroat pirate. Eventually, he becomes a captain of his own ship. James is determined to sail to Neverland and, with the help of the Odd Sisters and a bit of magic, succeeds. Unfortunately, returning to Neverland comes at a price…
ISBN:  9781368025294
Grade Level:  3-7
Age Range:  8-12
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  256
Publish Year:  2022
Publisher/Imprint:  Penguin Random House
Author:  Serena Valentino
Book Dimensions:  7 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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