Bruce and the Legend of Soggy Hollow
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Bruce and the Legend of Soggy Hollow

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Bruce and his lovable gaggle of gosling's stumble upon the mysterious legend of Soggy Hollow, a supposedly haunted forest rumored to be inhabited by ghosts. Despite his skepticism, Bruce finds himself drawn into the legend when the goslings become convinced that they've seen a ghost.

As Bruce and the goslings explore Soggy Hollow, they encounter various spooky sights and sounds, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and misadventures. Along the way, they uncover the truth behind the legend and learn valuable lessons about bravery, friendship, and facing their fears.
ISBN:  9781368059589
Grade Level:  PreK-K
Age Range:  3-Up
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  48
Publish Year:  2023
Publisher/Imprint:  Hachette
Author:  Ryan T. Higgins
Book Dimensions:  9-3/8 in.H x 12 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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