Bad Kitty Drawn to Trouble: Graphic Novel
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Bad Kitty Drawn to Trouble: Graphic Novel

A fun way to teach students how to write a story!

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Readers are introduced to the process of writing and illustrating a book in a fun and humorous way. Bruel employs his signature style of addressing readers directly; he begins the book with a step-by-step demonstration of how to draw Bad Kitty and moves on to describe the necessary ingredients of a successful story. Through the process of describing story elements such as protagonist, antagonist, and conflict, the author creates some scenarios that Kitty finds objectionable (most notably, an all-turnip diet), but eventually she convinces him to rewrite the story in her favor. Many of the usual secondary characters (Uncle Murray, Puppy, Strange Kitty, etc.) make an appearance in this volume, and there are some unexpected additions, including a zombie, a giant octopus, and a talking turnip named Terry. Bruel makes no attempt to hide the fact that the intent of this book is to teach readers how to write stories, but his informal writing style and hilarious illustrations make the lesson seem like a fun opportunity rather than a chore.
ISBN:  9781250782397
Grade Level:  4-8
Age Range:  7-10
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  144
Publish Year:  2022
Publisher/Imprint:  Macmillan Publishers
Author:  Nick Bruel
Book Dimensions:  8 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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