Grumpy Monkey Oh, No! Christmas
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Grumpy Monkey Oh, No! Christmas

Jim Panzee believes Christmas is filled with stress and expectations!

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Despite the festive decorations, cheerful music, and excitement all around, Jim can't seem to shake off his sour mood. He's overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of Christmas, feeling pressured to find the perfect gifts, attend countless parties, and keep up with holiday traditions.

As Jim's grumpiness reaches new heights, his friends become concerned and try to lift his spirits. They remind him of the joys of Christmas, from spending time with loved ones to spreading kindness and generosity. However, Jim remains skeptical, convinced that Christmas is nothing more than a commercialized holiday filled with stress and expectations.
ISBN:  9780593306093
Grade Level:  P-2
Age Range:  3-7
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  32
Publish Year:  2020
Publisher/Imprint:  Penguin Random House
Author:  Suzanne Lang
Illustrator:  Max Lang
Book Dimensions:  10 in.H x 10 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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