The Crayons Love Our Planet
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The Crayons Love Our Planet

A great Earth Day gift!

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This book offers blue oceans, green trees, white ice caps, and other familiar colors from nature that a child can delight in witnessing. It also places the Beige crayon in a starring role as it tries to insert wheat - its own color- everywhere. The pride that the Crayons express in helping create Earth's varied colors encourage children to treasure our planet and its hues.
ISBN:  9780593621080
Grade Level:  P-3
Age Range:  4-8
Format:  Hardcover
Page Count:  32
Publish Year:  2024
Publisher/Imprint:  Penguin Random House
Author:  Drew Daywalt
Book Dimensions:  7 in.H x 5-1/2 in.W
Shipping Method:  Ground

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